Make the Potty Words Stop!

Something happened to my sweet little boy when he entered Kindergarten a few months ago. He suddenly became completely and utterly immersed in the humor of body parts and bodily functions. Now, I get that children, especially those with Y-chromosomes, find this stuff funny, but really? Must every punchline be the same?

“Why did the chicken cross the road?” “POOP.”

“Knock, knock.” “Who’s there?” “POOP.”

C’mon, kid. You gotta mix it up a bit.

It doesn’t help matters that every other boy in his class thinks these jokes are HILARIOUS. With the amount of positive feedback he’s receiving, these jokes are likely to be around for years.

He and one of his best little buddies have also started talking lately about punching people’s “butts and weenies.” Which, while making me cringe (“weenies?” ick.), absolves me of responsibility, as we use anatomically correct terms in this house. (Also, he shouldn’t be talking about doing that.) I made him promise that he would try to cut back on saying it and that he would never, ever say it in front of his teacher. Which he didn’t. Until yesterday.

He arrived home after his very first school field trip. “How was it?” I asked, a bit too excited for the occasion.

“Kinda boring,” he said. “But,” lighting up, “Ms. L said it was my final warning before going to the Principal’s office.”

“The Principal?! What happen –”

“Butts and weenies.”

I was horrified. Here was my sweet boy, my Kindergartener no less, being warned about the Principal’s office. My upcoming parent-teacher conference played out in my head. The mortification of having to discuss “butts and weenies” with this woman was too much. Gavin and I had a loooong talk about why the Principal’s office is not a good thing and (yet again) why punching people’s butts and weenies is not acceptable behavior.

I think the message resonated quite well for, oh, a good five minutes. But how to make it sink in longer? Is there anything I can do? Or, is this just a normal childhood phase that I need to wait out? Advice welcome.

Tips for Feeding a Picky Eater

It was my son’s admission that he’d eaten chicken nuggets for lunch every day at school last week that got me thinking about ways to get healthier food onto his plate without the constant battle.

Nutrition is a question that worries every parent I know. How do we ensure our picky kids are eating enough? Are they getting the balanced diet they need? And what if, heaven forbid, they go on a boycott of all foods colored green?

We reached out to parents and nutritionists for tips on getting those notoriously picky eaters to do just that: eat.

photo: tonya staab

  • Give them a say in planning the meals. Susan Miller, mom to three boys, got her kids involved in creating the family’s weekly menu. Each child would contribute something to the menu that they wanted to eat. “Once they had a little more ownership of the process, they fought me less and were more willing to taste things.” Jill Berry recommends taking the kids along for grocery shopping. “I had good success getting my little kids to eat veggies by letting them choose a veggie from the supermarket. My son loved to weigh the food we purchased on the scales in the produce aisle.”
  • Get them cooking. It’s not surprising that kids love to cook. After all, what is cooking if not a fun science experiment where they mix ingredients to see what results? “The more hands on they are with the preparation of the food, the more interested they are in eating their own creations,” says author Leanne Ely. “I call it hands-on nutrition.” Mom Shannon Duffy agrees and adds that not only does cooking encourage kids to eat better but also teaches them valuable skills. “At the age of 7, my son was already measuring ingredients and helping make meals.”
  • Engage their imaginations. Give their food a special name, call it something fun. Much of what kids like or dislike is really just how its presented to them. “Feeding my kids was often little more than a name game,” says Toni Garcia Carpenter. “When it came to breakfast, I found the word porridge to be a useful tool. After all, the Three Bears liked it. More importantly, the term porridge could be applied to any hot cereal. So we had oatmeal porridge, cream of wheat porridge, and of course, grit porridge.”
  • Serve meals in courses. Break meals up into smaller courses and start with what you want them to eat most. When her kids were little, Ruth Grau began their meals with a fruit or veggie course. When they finished their fruit or veggies, they would have a meat/protein course, followed by an optional carbohydrate course. The result? “My kids now eat everything and love veggies!” says Ruth.
  • Prepare foods in new ways. Maybe your child doesn’t dislike broccoli as much as she claims; maybe she just didn’t like the way it was cooked last Tuesday night. Think about texture, spices, even shapes, and add some variety to the way you cook. Registered dietician, Kati Mora, recommends “preparing the foods your kids don’t like in new ways to see if maybe they just don’t like the brand, prep method, or just aren’t in the mood for it on one particular night.”

5 Healthiest Candies for Halloween

If you’re anything like me, you dread the post-Halloween sugar binge. I spend a lot of energy trying to get my son to eat healthy and it becomes so much harder when he’s staring down a bucket of treats. But, not all treats are created equal. The same amount of one candy may be much less healthy than the same amount of another. So, how to choose?

The classic red licorice tops our list of Healthy Treats

In honor of the upcoming holiday, we’ve compiled a list of the top five healthiest candy options:

  1. Twizzlers. Our hands-down winner. These long-time favorites are low in sugar, low in calories (compared to other candies), and low in fat. And, they are trans-fat free.
  2. York Peppermint Patties. The high mint filling-to-chocolate coating ratio makes these a winner. While mint isn’t typically a kid’s favorite flavor, these patties are sweet enough to appeal to everyone.
  3. Tootsie Rolls. The soft, chocolatey comfort of a Tootsie Roll is a low-guilt indulgence. Tootsie Rolls have half the calories of the average chocolate bar and just a third the fat.
  4. Smarties. This is one very smart choice. Serving sizes are small, but at 25 calories a pop, you can feel good knowing your kids will still have room for dinner.
  5. Kit Kat. If you must have a chocolate bar, a Kit Kat is the way to go. It’s lower in fat than most other bars and is trans-fat free. Best of all, its easily broken into smaller servings and shared.

These five options will leave you (and your kids!) feeling better about enjoying a ghoulish October treat. Do you have a favorite Halloween candy?

SittingAround Honored at the White House

Recently, SittingAround had the distinct honor of being selected by the White House as a “Champion of Change” for the work we’re doing to bring better babysitting to families across America.

I went down to DC last month and participated in a panel discussion at the White House, giving advice to aspiring entrepreneurs. I shared my experiences starting SittingAround and why I am so passionate about building community and improving childcare.

Despite miserably small shoes (you have no idea…) and no Barack sightings (though I did catch a glimpse of Bo), it was an amazing time. Here’s the video from our panel discussion on entrepreneurship:

Transformers + Thomas the Train = Trainsformers

Or, pure awesome.

I often feel guilty about the amount of time my technophile son spends playing with my iPhone. This morning, however, he woke me with a YouTube video that showed me this was time well-spent. This Thomas-Transformers mashup marries the toys of my childhood with the bane of my existence the toys of his.

Op-Thomas-prime? Mega-train? Hilarious. (Note: some of the language in this video is not suitable for young children)


Finding a Babysitter: A Five Year-Old’s Perpsective

Last week, I was working on a SittingAround flyer that could be distributed easily to coops around the country, making it easier to find and recruit new families. Putting flyers in places families frequent (coffee shops, playgrounds, community centers, etc.) is a great way to gain visibility in your neighborhood and let other families know there is a coop nearby!

My five year old son, Gavin, saw me hard at work and asked what I was doing. “I’m designing flyers for SittingAround,” I told him.

“I can help,” he said and ran off.

An hour or so later, he emerged with 15 flyers that he had made himself, advertising SittingAround. My heart nearly broke with how sweet they were. I took a few pictures to share the work of my budding entrepreneur and wonderful little guy:

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Image and video hosting by TinyPic

The real flyers arrived a few days ago, and I was worried he would be hurt I didn’t mass produce his version. Instead, he kept saying how much he loved the flyers and wanted to help put them up. So we went coffee shop to pizza place, eating our way across town and putting up flyers as we went.

I’m super lucky to have such a wonderful little helper :).
