Better babysitting starts now.
Welcome to high-quality, easy-to-coordinate, community-based childcare. Welcome to babysitting cooperatives.
Babysitting coops are group of parents who trade free babysitting with their neighbors. As the saying goes, it takes a village to raise a child -- SittingAround helps you build that village.
What users are saying
"All the moms in our neighborhood are so excited, we need date night back!"
"Love the idea of a babysitting coop but never wanted to do the accounting ... you do that part for us!"
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Coop, Co-op, Cooperative?
A babysitting coop is a group of parents in a neighborhood who trade childcare. The average parent in a coop saves over $500 a year while going out more often.
Many names are used to describe groups of parents who swap babysitting: cooperative, co-op, babysitter swap, babysitter exchange, etc. We use Coop, pronounced koh-op, and Cooperative.
Why start a Coop?
Build a childcare community in your neighborhood. We give you everything you need to start, manage, and grow a successful babysitting cooperative.
Today's parents don't have large, extended families. This can make parenting in the modern world quite isolating. As the saying goes, it takes a village to raise a child -- SittingAround helps you build that village.
Paid babysitters?
SittingAround's babysitter marketplace has moved to
If you want to find paid babysitters in your area, update your bookmarks to
If you had a babysitter profile on SittingAround, you can use that same email and password at SittersNearMe.