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Greenville Area Parents Co-op

Quick Info

Status Accepting New Members
Zip Code 29601
Members 3
Upcoming Events


***Hey everyone..before we get this started, I think it would be a good idea if we could all get together for a play date so that we can all get to know eachother and our children. I created a tentative event on the Events page. Please check it out and RSVP (if you cant' come, please suggest another date that works. It is very important we all attend).

This is a baby sitting co-op for the Greenville Area for babies and young children. We are a group of friends who trade baby-sitting so that we can all have some time out and about!

It also allows our children to make some new friends and enjoy some socialization!

Here is a great website with more details:

The Way This Works:

As you baby sit, you earn points which in turn you can "cash in" when another member sits for you.

This site keeps track of our points and provides a way to spend and earn your points. So when you have a member baby sit for you, don't forget to "pay them" :)


Points Per Hour, First Child: 2.00
Points Per Hour, Additional Child: 1.00

Please, if your child is sick and you are scheduled to baby sit or have a baby sitter, please let the other parent know in advance so things can be rescheduled!


Members can join by referral only.

This group is for parents in Greenville, Greer, Taylors, Simpsonville, Mauldin and Piedmont.

This group is open for parents of infants and young children.

How to Join

THIS IS OPEN TO REFERRALS ONLY. When requesting to join, please state who you know that is in the group.

All Members must fill out the "about us" section with the following details:

Pets (if any), number, kind, etc. (for allergy purposes, etc.)
Any experience you have or cpr classes you have taken
The number of children you have and their ages.

Please also email us with a few photos of your home or where the children will be playing/sleeping.

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