Startup Kit - Sample New Member Agreement

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Sample New Member Contract

I, (We) agree to:

  1. Read and abide by the bylaws and safety recommendations.
  2. Be responsible for arranging my own sits.
  3. Maintain my own records of points to validate against the coop site at the end of each month.
  4. Contribute towards group expenses such as food and site membership.
  5. Provide the sitter with an emergency medical form for my child/children.
  6. Assume the duties of Moderator when it is my turn.
  7. Try to pass through zero points every three months. If I reach negative 50 points, I agree to actively seek opportunities to work off points. If I reach positive 50 points, I agree to spend the points in a timely fashion.
  8. Pledge to leave the coop with a zero or positive balance or pay off negative points at $1.00 per point, or in some other manner to be decided by the membership.
  9. Disclose the presence of a gun(s) in my(our) house. I(We) DO DO NOT (circle one) Have a gun(s) in my house. If yes, I(We) agree to keep it (them) unloaded and in a locked place, with ammunition stored separately.

(Parent 1) Name (print)______________________ sign___________________________
(Parent 2) Name (print)______________________ sign___________________________

Date _______________________
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